

3/27/21 - New York, NY - Tribeca New Music Festival at The Cell

3/31/21 - New York, NY - NuBlu with Kilter

4/19/19 - Roulette, Brooklyn NY - with String Orchestra of Brooklyn

3/21/19- DROM NYC with MazzMuse, Stratospheerius, and 2Birds

2/21-2/24/19 - Fairbanks AK - FEB FEST with Sirius Quartet and Futureman/Silverman

2/15/19 - Ceremony224 Brooklyn NY, with Seabrook/White, Shardik, Ava Mendoza, Sally Gates

2/1/19 - 44 Charlton Street Variety Show at The Greene Space NYC/ Live stream on WQXR, 7PM

10/20/18 - Brooklyn Bazaar, Brooklyn NY with Candiria, Netherlands, and Locked in a Vacancy

9/11/18 - Saint Vitus Bar, Brooklyn NY with Cellar Darling


3/15/18 - Baltimore MD - The Depot
3/16/18 - Greensboro NC - New York Pizza
3/17/18 - Asheville NC - Static Age Records
3/18/18 - Murfreesboro TN - Autograph Studios
3/19/18- Lafayette IA - The Doom Room
3/21/18 - St. Louis MO - Foam
3/22/18 - Kansas City MO - Riot Room

4/5/18 - New York, NY - Saint Vitus Bar
4/6/18 - Philadelphia PA - Century Bar

12/29/17 - New York, NY - TERMINAL 5  Featured string section for the final The Dillinger Escape Plan show

11/19/17 - Brooklyn, NY - Saint Vitus Bar w/Circuitry, Fall of the Albatross

11/17/17 - Washington DC - Atlas Brew Works w/ Circuitry, Exemptus

11/16/17 - Long Branch, NJ - Brighton Bar w/ Circuitry, The Color Nothing, Fat Chance

6/29/17 - New York, NY - DROM  Record Release Party

4/29/17 - New York, NY - Bruno Walter Auditorium at Lincoln Center supporting RIGHTEOUSGIRLS

12/29/16 - Brooklyn NY - The Good Room

9/27/16 -  Brooklyn NY - St. Vitus Bar  w/ Car Bomb and Cleric.

10/20/16 - Brooklyn NY - Progressive Chamber Music Festival Shapeshifter Lab with Sirius Quartet 

11/10/16  - Brooklyn, NY - St. Vitus Bar 

12/1/16 - Bronx, NY - Fordham University 

7/1- 7/8/16 - Avaloch Farm Music Institute Residency

4/17/16  - New York, NY - Tribeca New Music Festival @ The Cell 

9/24/15 New York, NY - (le) poisson rouge gallery

8/26 - 9/1/15  - Avaloch Farm Music Institute Residency

9/10/15 - Brooklyn, NY -  Shapeshifter Lab  w/ String Power

7/10/15 - Brooklyn, NY -  Shapeshifter Lab w/ Korean Shaman Metal

5/7/15 -  New York, NY - The Cell 

2/26/15 - Brooklyn, NY -  The Knitting Factory w/ The Empire Shall Fall

12/19/14  - New York, NY -  Spectrum w/ New Mellow Edwards
12/8/14 - New York, NY -  Silvana
11/21/14 - Lancaster, PA - Lancaster Bible College w/ Daniel Bernard Roumain
6/12/14 -  Brooklyn, NY - The Firehouse Space 

This was our first run through of #DillingerEscapePlan 's "43% Burnt". Note the pink balloons. Now that shit is hardcore. We're gonna play this (hopefully a little tighter) at #LiveatLPR in the gallery tonight!

Posted by Earl Maneein on Tuesday, November 24, 2015